include # Disabled due to #REPO_STAMP := push-stamp #REPO_PATH := repo/ #REPO_STAMPS := $(addsuffix /${REPO_STAMP},${CONTAINERS}) # #%/${REPO_STAMP}: %/${BUILD_ID_OUT} # @mkdir -p ${REPO_PATH} # buildah push \ # -f oci \ # --compression-format zstd \ # --compression-level 10 \ # $(shell cat $<) \ # oci:${REPO_PATH}:$*:latest # touch $@ # Autogenerated lists CONTAINERS := $(shell find ./ -name '${BUILD_INSTRUCTIONS}' -exec 'dirname' '{}' ';' | cut -d'/' -f2-) IMAGE_DIRS := $(addsuffix /${IMAGE_DIR},${CONTAINERS}) BUILD_IDS := $(addsuffix /${BUILD_ID_OUT},${CONTAINERS}) BUILD_LOGS := $(addsuffix /${BUILD_LOG},${CONTAINERS}) MANIFESTS := $(addsuffix /${MANIFEST_FILE},${CONTAINERS}) # Make workaround # Inserting literal commas into function calls without interpreting them as delimiters , := , unified: $(MANIFESTS) # $(REPO_STAMPS) localbuild: $(BUILD_IDS) # Build process %/${MANIFEST_FILE}: %/${BUILD_ID_OUT} @mkdir -p $*/${IMAGE_DIR} buildah push \ -f oci \ $(shell cat $<) \ dir:$*/${IMAGE_DIR} %/${BUILD_ID_OUT}: %/${BUILD_INSTRUCTIONS} buildah build \ --jobs 0 \ --network=${CONTAINER_NETWORK} \ --logfile=$*/${BUILD_LOG} \ -t $*:latest \ --iidfile $@ \ $(foreach secretpath,$(wildcard $*/secrets/*),\ --secret id=$(patsubst $*/secrets/%,%,${secretpath})$(,)src=${secretpath}) \ $* # Clean up clean: cleanbuild cleandirs cleanlogs cleanlogs: -rm -rv ${BUILD_LOGS} cleanbuild: -rm -rv ${BUILD_IDS} cleandirs: -rm -rv ${IMAGE_DIRS} .PHONY: all clean cleanbuild cleandirs cleanlogs localbuild unified .SUFFIXES: # Somehow GNU make forgets these are intermediates if not explicitly stated, feel free to look into it *shrug* .SECONDARY: $(BUILD_IDS)